The night before the race, I laid out my clothes, and my sports bra kindly reminded me that I am, in fact, a running n00b.
It was the Ben Moore Memorial race in Annapolis, which was kind of a strange race. I mean, I don't even know who that dude is. And I so do not live in Annapolis. I had to get up at 4:45 am just to make it on time, which was super lame. Just saying. I had a goal set of 2:00:00, and just barely missed it coming in at 2:02:46. Very close.
I know it's kind of lame, but I don't really have much else to say about this race. I mean, I did it, which is great. I'm proud of myself and all. But....that's it. very anticlimactic.
I guess when you're training for a full marathon, the half just feels like training, even if its your first official half.
Plus it was hilly as fuck, so I was like "please be over I hate you."
Just like this post.
Yes I used my iPhone screen shot to "borrow" these photos.
Do. Not. Hate.