I had to push back a 20 mile training run by 2 days due to unforeseen circumstances. And also sit out of a 5k. There's no way I'm doing a 5k 16 hours (or worse, 2 hours) after a 20 mile run. What bums me out most is the fact that I carbo-loaded last night.
You can call me Mrs. New Booty from now on. At least Mr. New Booty is pleased!
Friday, September 7, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
So, um, I ran a half-marathon
I ran my first *official* half-marathon this past weekend!
The night before the race, I laid out my clothes, and my sports bra kindly reminded me that I am, in fact, a running n00b.
It was the Ben Moore Memorial race in Annapolis, which was kind of a strange race. I mean, I don't even know who that dude is. And I so do not live in Annapolis. I had to get up at 4:45 am just to make it on time, which was super lame. Just saying. I had a goal set of 2:00:00, and just barely missed it coming in at 2:02:46. Very close.
I know it's kind of lame, but I don't really have much else to say about this race. I mean, I did it, which is great. I'm proud of myself and all. But....that's it. very anticlimactic.
I guess when you're training for a full marathon, the half just feels like training, even if its your first official half.
Plus it was hilly as fuck, so I was like "please be over I hate you."
Just like this post.
The night before the race, I laid out my clothes, and my sports bra kindly reminded me that I am, in fact, a running n00b.
It was the Ben Moore Memorial race in Annapolis, which was kind of a strange race. I mean, I don't even know who that dude is. And I so do not live in Annapolis. I had to get up at 4:45 am just to make it on time, which was super lame. Just saying. I had a goal set of 2:00:00, and just barely missed it coming in at 2:02:46. Very close.
I know it's kind of lame, but I don't really have much else to say about this race. I mean, I did it, which is great. I'm proud of myself and all. But....that's it. very anticlimactic.
I guess when you're training for a full marathon, the half just feels like training, even if its your first official half.
Plus it was hilly as fuck, so I was like "please be over I hate you."
Just like this post.
Yes I used my iPhone screen shot to "borrow" these photos.
Do. Not. Hate.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
The 13.1 (controversial?) sticker
As you may or may not know, I'm training for my first marathon in October. In my training, I've run two half-marathon distances, and signed up for my first half-marathon as well, which is in 2 weeks (eeeekk!).
I bought myself a 13.1 car magnet on Amazon.com, and when it came in the mail, I wondered whether I could put it on my car now. I mean, I have run 13.1 miles twice. But I haven't run a 13.1 mile race yet. I did decide to put the magnet on my car, but I googled it anyway to see whether you're supposed to run a real race first.
I didn't find out the answer to my question because of the baffling negativity toward people who run half marathons from runners and non-runners alike. People who run half marathons were referred to as "quitters" and "failures." People who placed 13.1 stickers on their cars were criticized even more harshly for bragging about only making it half-way. Here is a quote from a forum that I absolutely refuse to link to because I do not want it to get any more attention: "Putting those stickers on your car is the equivalent of putting one on that says "I was too much of a pussy to run the whole race."". Written by a non-runner btw.
I know that nobody (other than my mother) reads this blog, but this is just something I feel like I have to say.
Seeing 13.1 and 26.2 stickers on cars every single day while I shopped, sat in traffic, or drove to my running group inspired me to train for this marathon. The stickers showed me that people who run marathons and half-marathons are regular people who sit in rush hour traffic just like me; not super-humans to whom I could never relate nor aspire to be like. They brought the marathon back down to earth, and helped me to believe that I can do it too. I can honestly say that if I had not seen so many of these car stickers, the likelihood that I would be running a marathon this fall would be much, much slimmer. And once I complete the full marathon, I sure as hell will place a 26.2 sticker on my car.
Is it bragging? Yes, partially. I will be so proud of myself, and I'll want to sing it to the world. But I know that these stickers will also inspire people, like they did for me.
For what it's worth, I also see no reason why anyone should poo poo on other running distance stickers. 5k sticker? Great! Running a 5k is a completely different experience than a longer run, yes. But that doesn't mean that less effort is put into each minute. In a 5k race you run harder and faster the entire time, put in 100%, and leave the race feeling contentedly exhausted. I even saw a 0.5 sticker for a crossfit enthusiast, which I thought was fantastic and worthy of a brag. If you only had to run 0.5 mile, would you run it at a marathon pace? NO! You'd go balls to the walls, and put it in everything you had. About once per week, I will run one single mile as fast as I possibly can and leave it at that. Afterward I wheeze for half as long as it took to run the damn mile, barely able to move. I can imagine that if I was running half of that distance, I'd feel the same way when I was done; as thought I couldn't possibly take another step.
Don't be ashamed, and don't let the cyber-bullying-ass-hat-wearing-dick-cheeses of the world make you feel bad about yourself for the things you choose to do with your spare time or the stickers you choose to place on your car.
Let your freak flag fly, as they say. Let it fly.
I bought myself a 13.1 car magnet on Amazon.com, and when it came in the mail, I wondered whether I could put it on my car now. I mean, I have run 13.1 miles twice. But I haven't run a 13.1 mile race yet. I did decide to put the magnet on my car, but I googled it anyway to see whether you're supposed to run a real race first.

I know that nobody (other than my mother) reads this blog, but this is just something I feel like I have to say.
Seeing 13.1 and 26.2 stickers on cars every single day while I shopped, sat in traffic, or drove to my running group inspired me to train for this marathon. The stickers showed me that people who run marathons and half-marathons are regular people who sit in rush hour traffic just like me; not super-humans to whom I could never relate nor aspire to be like. They brought the marathon back down to earth, and helped me to believe that I can do it too. I can honestly say that if I had not seen so many of these car stickers, the likelihood that I would be running a marathon this fall would be much, much slimmer. And once I complete the full marathon, I sure as hell will place a 26.2 sticker on my car.
Is it bragging? Yes, partially. I will be so proud of myself, and I'll want to sing it to the world. But I know that these stickers will also inspire people, like they did for me.
For what it's worth, I also see no reason why anyone should poo poo on other running distance stickers. 5k sticker? Great! Running a 5k is a completely different experience than a longer run, yes. But that doesn't mean that less effort is put into each minute. In a 5k race you run harder and faster the entire time, put in 100%, and leave the race feeling contentedly exhausted. I even saw a 0.5 sticker for a crossfit enthusiast, which I thought was fantastic and worthy of a brag. If you only had to run 0.5 mile, would you run it at a marathon pace? NO! You'd go balls to the walls, and put it in everything you had. About once per week, I will run one single mile as fast as I possibly can and leave it at that. Afterward I wheeze for half as long as it took to run the damn mile, barely able to move. I can imagine that if I was running half of that distance, I'd feel the same way when I was done; as thought I couldn't possibly take another step.
Don't be ashamed, and don't let the cyber-bullying-ass-hat-wearing-dick-cheeses of the world make you feel bad about yourself for the things you choose to do with your spare time or the stickers you choose to place on your car.
Let your freak flag fly, as they say. Let it fly.
13.1 sticker,
half marathon,
race stickers,
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Vacation 2012
I can't believe it's already over. I took next to no pictures because I never carried a phone or camera, and I wouldn't have it any other way. My terribly inconsiderate MOTHER even asked me if I lost my phone, but this was after I didn't reply to this text sent at 7:00am:
But I did take some pictures so have a look you nosy voyeurs!
But I did take some pictures so have a look you nosy voyeurs!
Friday, July 13, 2012
Summer Reading List 2012
Warning!: This summer reading list is pretty damn ambitious!
Warning! 2.0: This summer reading list is pretty damn dorky.
Do I care? No! On both accounts!
I think it's totally possible to get through this entire list this summer, especially with vacation looming (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). And, even if I can't get through all of these books, I cannot wait to try.
So let's read, people!
Married With Zombies by Jesse Petersen
Zombies? Say no more! I'm in! This is perfect beach reading material (10 days to go!).
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Can you believe I've never ever read this book? Me neither.
The House at Riverton by Kate Morton
Heard it was like Downton Abbey. Loved The Forgotten Garden, by the same author. It sounds like literary destiny.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
After many, many recommendations, I will finally cave and read this.
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
I admittedly know nothing about this book or the TV series, but I'm very, very curious. So here goes nothing.
Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness
I liked the first book in this series well enough, so why not?
Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
I'm a ha-yuge fan of the Vampire Academy series. This is the 2nd book in a spin-off series that has so far lived up to its predecessor. Hopefully this one doesn't disappoint either!
A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russel;
After finishing Sarah's Key, I'm ready for another WWII book. I've heard this book is fantastic.
After Long Silence by Helen Fremont
I've had this book for years and never opened it. I figure it's time. And ditto what I said about WWII.
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Sounds very similar to one of my favorite series ever, The Fever Series. So I'll either be very fulfilled or very dissapointed.
The Dresden Files: Full Moon by Jim Butcher
'Cause I need a little male main character in my life.
Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Thank you, Mom, for the recommendation! Now please lend it to me. Thanks.
Matched by Ally Condie
T'was on sale. 'Tis dystopian me thinks. I bought it. The end.
What will I not be reading? Any more of that terrible 50 Shades series. I barely made it through the first book. It's not that I don't like a sexy book; I just hate a terrible book.
P.S. I used Pinterest for my images because it does all the work for me in terms of linking, uploading,photo credit, etc. I guess I'm just lazy.
Warning! 2.0: This summer reading list is pretty damn dorky.
Do I care? No! On both accounts!
I think it's totally possible to get through this entire list this summer, especially with vacation looming (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!). And, even if I can't get through all of these books, I cannot wait to try.
So let's read, people!
Married With Zombies by Jesse Petersen
Zombies? Say no more! I'm in! This is perfect beach reading material (10 days to go!).
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Can you believe I've never ever read this book? Me neither.
The House at Riverton by Kate Morton
Heard it was like Downton Abbey. Loved The Forgotten Garden, by the same author. It sounds like literary destiny.
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
After many, many recommendations, I will finally cave and read this.
Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
I admittedly know nothing about this book or the TV series, but I'm very, very curious. So here goes nothing.
Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness
I liked the first book in this series well enough, so why not?
Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
I'm a ha-yuge fan of the Vampire Academy series. This is the 2nd book in a spin-off series that has so far lived up to its predecessor. Hopefully this one doesn't disappoint either!
A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russel;
After finishing Sarah's Key, I'm ready for another WWII book. I've heard this book is fantastic.
After Long Silence by Helen Fremont
I've had this book for years and never opened it. I figure it's time. And ditto what I said about WWII.
Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
Sounds very similar to one of my favorite series ever, The Fever Series. So I'll either be very fulfilled or very dissapointed.
The Dresden Files: Full Moon by Jim Butcher
'Cause I need a little male main character in my life.
Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Thank you, Mom, for the recommendation! Now please lend it to me. Thanks.
Matched by Ally Condie
T'was on sale. 'Tis dystopian me thinks. I bought it. The end.
What will I not be reading? Any more of that terrible 50 Shades series. I barely made it through the first book. It's not that I don't like a sexy book; I just hate a terrible book.
P.S. I used Pinterest for my images because it does all the work for me in terms of linking, uploading,photo credit, etc. I guess I'm just lazy.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
13 Days
Thirteenbdays until I am on VACATION!!!!!!! Whooooohooooodiddlyfartbam! I am so freaking excited!!!!!
Breathe, Sarah, breathe.
Ok. So. In less than two weeks, Joe and I will be hitting the beach in Ocean Citaaayyyyy. Citaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!
Ok. Let me try this again. I can't wait. I've already packed. Like, a lot. But not everything.
Everything I do and say and even think about revolves around the beach. That wreath I made? Just evidence of a growing preoccupation. I've also never worked out so much in my life. We're talking 6 days a week, people! And I can't. Stop. Buying. Shit.
Beach Shit. Beach chairs. Beach towels. Beach umbrella. Tank tops.flipflopsshortstravelshampoobookstotebagstowels. Aloe (and I rarely get sunburns. But just in case.)You know, all completely necessary, but shit nonetheless.
So cheers to threemotherfuckingteen motherfuckingdays.
Breathe, Sarah, breathe.
Ok. So. In less than two weeks, Joe and I will be hitting the beach in Ocean Citaaayyyyy. Citaaaaayyyyyyyyyy!
Ok. Let me try this again. I can't wait. I've already packed. Like, a lot. But not everything.
Beach Shit. Beach chairs. Beach towels. Beach umbrella. Tank tops.flipflopsshortstravelshampoobookstotebagstowels. Aloe (and I rarely get sunburns. But just in case.)You know, all completely necessary, but shit nonetheless.
So cheers to threemotherfuckingteen motherfuckingdays.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Currently Reading: Sarah's Key
I made a new year's resolution to read 52 books this year, and I'm not even coming close. But I am reading a really good book right now, and thought I'd share.
It is Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay. It takes place during World War II, which is my favorite time period to read about. Plus, it's called Sarah's Key, and that's my name! Any book about a Sarah has to be the bomb, right? So far, I'm really loving this book.
From what I understand, all of my father's relatives who were living in Europe were murdered during the Holocaust; that side of my family are Polish Jews. My paternal grandfather changed his last name to an English name shortly after The War, and I was told repeatedly as a young child not to tell people I was half Jewish. Of course, I never do what I'm told, and I told anyone who would listen that I was half Jewish, only to be told by real Jews that I was not because my mother is not Jewish. Go figure!
Anyway, the book is jumping back and forth between 2 stories, one of a woman in "modern day" (10 years ago when the book was written), and one of a little Polish Jewish girl (named Sarah) living in Paris in 1942. I was hooked from the first page, and I can't wait to see how the two stories will come together.
Although I haven't finished it yet, I highly recommend it!
I'm going to the beach in a few weeks, and I need a good lighthearted beach book to read. Something funny, perhaps? Any recommendations?
I made a new year's resolution to read 52 books this year, and I'm not even coming close. But I am reading a really good book right now, and thought I'd share.
It is Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay. It takes place during World War II, which is my favorite time period to read about. Plus, it's called Sarah's Key, and that's my name! Any book about a Sarah has to be the bomb, right? So far, I'm really loving this book.
From what I understand, all of my father's relatives who were living in Europe were murdered during the Holocaust; that side of my family are Polish Jews. My paternal grandfather changed his last name to an English name shortly after The War, and I was told repeatedly as a young child not to tell people I was half Jewish. Of course, I never do what I'm told, and I told anyone who would listen that I was half Jewish, only to be told by real Jews that I was not because my mother is not Jewish. Go figure!
Anyway, the book is jumping back and forth between 2 stories, one of a woman in "modern day" (10 years ago when the book was written), and one of a little Polish Jewish girl (named Sarah) living in Paris in 1942. I was hooked from the first page, and I can't wait to see how the two stories will come together.
Although I haven't finished it yet, I highly recommend it!
I'm going to the beach in a few weeks, and I need a good lighthearted beach book to read. Something funny, perhaps? Any recommendations?
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Summer of No Cooking Episode I: ...Cooking
Have you reached the point where you do not feel like cooking ever again for the rest of the entire summer (or let's be honest, your life)? Was that breaking point approximately 3 weeks ago? Have you not made anything for dinner that took more than 15 minutes since that very date?
Me too, my kindred spirit. Me too.
Due to this elongated and potentially permanent case of The Summer Lazies, I, Mrs. S. J. Poopy-Shit, Esq., officially dub Summer 2012 The Summer of No Cooking.
Ok I lied. It's pretty much impossible to never cook for an entire summer (especially if you eat fried eggs for breakfast every.single.day.). But I will dedicate this summer to cooking as little as possible. And maybe, if you're lucky, I will bring you along for the ride. But don't hold me to that. My history shows that I am anything but a consistent blogger.
And in being true to myself and keeping it 110% real, I will start out this series (If you can call something with no guaranteed part 2 a series) with....cooking. I know. I am a liar. But I promise, the cooking is minimal. And besides, I'm not even sure it can be called cooking; more like un-rawing some chicken. So that we don't die. Totally does not count.
Anyways, here's to no cooking, part uno!
On today's menu:
It's not like I followed a recipe or anything. That would be against the no cooking rule. Recipes = cooking. Heating up raw chicken to kill bacteria = un-rawing. Just to reiterate, totally not the same thing.
Here are the steps to making this un-rawed but totally not cooked meal:
1. Get home from work. Throw your shit on the floor. Greet your totally amazing pooch. Watch her do the Winnie pants dance (similar to this). Take her for a walk. Pick up her poop in little plastic bags. Sweat your balls off. Remind yourself that this is why you aren't going to cook. This step is vital. It's real life, B.
2. Open a package of chicken thighs. Dump into ziplock. Pour in some shitty salad dressing that you bought thinking you'd like, but that actually sucked balls. "Light" anything works well. Even creamy light Caesar. Don't be scurrrrrred. I used some crappy vinaigrette we will never actually put on lettuce. Ever. Put that chicken back into fridge. Carry on with your evening for a little bit.
3. Un-raw that chicken in a skillet until it will no longer kill you.
4. Cut some grape tomatoes in half. Mix with some fresh mozzarella balls. Tear some leaves off of the barely-surviving-the-heat-basil plant you have on the patio. Throw that shit in too. Pour in some olive oil and balsamic if your feeling fancy.
5. Take out some plates. Throw some fresh spinach on that bitch, then some chicken, then that other shit you made.
6. Eat that shit. Munchy. Chewy. Yummy.
Ingredients: 8
Prep time: 45 secs
Cook Un-rawing time: 15 minutes
Dishes dirtied: skillettongsbowlspoon2forks2knivescuttingboard 9
Me too, my kindred spirit. Me too.
Due to this elongated and potentially permanent case of The Summer Lazies, I, Mrs. S. J. Poopy-Shit, Esq., officially dub Summer 2012 The Summer of No Cooking.

And in being true to myself and keeping it 110% real, I will start out this series (If you can call something with no guaranteed part 2 a series) with....cooking. I know. I am a liar. But I promise, the cooking is minimal. And besides, I'm not even sure it can be called cooking; more like un-rawing some chicken. So that we don't die. Totally does not count.
Anyways, here's to no cooking, part uno!
On today's menu:
Chicken Caprese
(Kind of)
It's not like I followed a recipe or anything. That would be against the no cooking rule. Recipes = cooking. Heating up raw chicken to kill bacteria = un-rawing. Just to reiterate, totally not the same thing.
Here are the steps to making this un-rawed but totally not cooked meal:
1. Get home from work. Throw your shit on the floor. Greet your totally amazing pooch. Watch her do the Winnie pants dance (similar to this). Take her for a walk. Pick up her poop in little plastic bags. Sweat your balls off. Remind yourself that this is why you aren't going to cook. This step is vital. It's real life, B.
2. Open a package of chicken thighs. Dump into ziplock. Pour in some shitty salad dressing that you bought thinking you'd like, but that actually sucked balls. "Light" anything works well. Even creamy light Caesar. Don't be scurrrrrred. I used some crappy vinaigrette we will never actually put on lettuce. Ever. Put that chicken back into fridge. Carry on with your evening for a little bit.
3. Un-raw that chicken in a skillet until it will no longer kill you.
4. Cut some grape tomatoes in half. Mix with some fresh mozzarella balls. Tear some leaves off of the barely-surviving-the-heat-basil plant you have on the patio. Throw that shit in too. Pour in some olive oil and balsamic if your feeling fancy.
6. Eat that shit. Munchy. Chewy. Yummy.
Ingredients: 8
Prep time: 45 secs
Dishes dirtied: skillettongsbowlspoon2forks2knivescuttingboard 9
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Baltimore 10 Miler & Happy Early Birthday, Joe!
Yesterday I ran the Baltimore 10 Miler race. I was very nervous even though I knew I could do it, because it was my first double-digit race. I set what I thought was an overly optimistic goal of 1:30:00, or 9 minute miles. I'd been running 10:40 miles in all of my practice runs, so I was very scared that I was setting myself up for a big ole let down.
But I did it! Even better, I beat my goal by a minute! Here's the proof: an auto update posted to my Facebook profile:
Winnie bear was very proud of me!
But I did it! Even better, I beat my goal by a minute! Here's the proof: an auto update posted to my Facebook profile:
I had to get up at 5:00am to make it to the race on time, so after the race, I ate lots of food (obv), then took a several hour nap. I was so tired & it felt really good.
Then we headed over to my mom's house for a BBQ and Joe's birthday pie. It was raspberry cream pie. And it was perfection. My mom makes the best pies.
Happy 25th Birthday, Joe!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
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